What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times? #movies The Notebook, Titanic, Heat, Donnie Brasco, Pretty women, Runaway Bride, Stepmom, Reservoir dogs, True Romance, Girls just wanna Have fun, Sixteen candles, Grease, Pretty in Pink, Romy and Michelle’s high school Reunion, -I’m sure there’s more but these are the first that…
100 year old self
Write a letter to your 100-year-old self. Well, I truly hope if I am not in good health not to be living to be 100. That seems far fetched to me. If I’m Still Standing I hope to be enjoying walks along the beach and still able to enjoy some of nature. If I’m sickly…
None really
What is one question you hate to be asked? Explain. I honestly don’t hate any question. I don’t think questions are dumb. I know and have grown to understand in my more mature age that others don’t like questions. I, myself taught myself to ask questions so I could start conversations or learn about others…
In my own words
You’re writing your autobiography. What’s your opening sentence? How I made it through so many generational curses. Some may say it’s a blessing I say it was a struggle and why? Why me? How or where I got the courage to just keep going I have no idea. Here I am today to be able…
What are three objects you couldn’t live without? I was going to say bed but I think I can pretty much lay down anywhere if worst case scenario as long as I had a pillow, phone, and water/coffee ooops that’s 4 but hey water is in coffee. 😉